Elmer Fudd Has His 2nd Amendment Rights Taken Away by LIBERALS on New Looney Tunes

Pastor Clyde H. Higgins JR

by Pastor Clyde H. Higgins JR

Elmer Fudd is the latest victim of second amendment rights violations.

The hunter is having his gun taken away from this point forward.  Along with another victim, Yosemite Sam, Fudd is being forced to give up all of his guns and rights.  Fudd famously used his hunting rifle to challenge the cross-dressing Bugs Bunny who committed all sorts of debauchery, from tearing holes in the garden, faking ‘honor’ by putting on military garb when he has no rank and even worse dressing up as a busty woman to trick Fudd into attraction and kissing (homosexuality).

New reports from affiliates confirm that Looney Tunes will be rebooted, but kids and families tuning in will not get to see Fudd using his gun to try to take out a ‘wascally’ rabit, nor will they get overjoyed seeing Yosemite Sam angrily shooting his guns skyward to the heavens, using his rights to let heaven here how messed up liberals are making the world.

Projectile Dysfunction.  Kids and Familes who watch the rebooted Looney Tunes will see the hunter suffer not only from comedic failure, but also now having his first amendment rights taken away.  How much sense does it make to teach kids an American game hunter would not use a gun or bow and arrow?

Fudd has long been the victim of a liberal agenda in his cartoons, perhaps most famously being the beard for the latent homosexuality represented in the Bugs Bunny character:

The writers were just not satisfied with creating the generation that approved gay marriage, but now are now creating a generation of antifa anti-second amendment fascists!


Violence when there are alternatives is immoral, violence when there are none is survival

About the Author
Pastor Clyde H. Higgins JR

Pastor Clyde H. Higgins JR

Coming from a long line of righteous preachers, Pastor Clyde H. Higgins, Jr., continues the family legacy by preaching American morality to the unsaved world.
